Fruit Trees For Sale at Butternut Farm

Interested in having your own back yard fruit tree? Come by the farm in May to take a bare root tree home, or any other month tag a tree to return and pick up the following spring.

No pre-orders for spring of 2024. Trees are sold on a first come first serve basis. Varieties in low supply will be marked with a #.

Sales begin in May:

Fridays 12-6

Saturdays 12-6

fruit trees for sale back yard fruit tree

Do you have fruit tree related questions? Send an e-mail.

  • Most will be $37/tree. Some larger trees will be priced a bit higher.

    Most of our 2024 stock is on semi dwarfing root stocks which will result in self supporting trees that will be 10-15' tall at maturity

    (# indicates low supply, less than 5 trees)

    Honey Crisp: Crisp texture, sweet flesh and balanced acidity make this apple a truly unique eating experience. Low susceptibility to apple scab also makes it a good choice for a low spray orchard. Good for eating, cider, sauce and pies.

    Macoun: # Snappy fresh eating in an early October ripening apple. A regional New England apple that is a favorite of many. Fresh eating and sauce.

    Gala: The most widely planted U.S variety. Sweet and crisp apple on a productive and annually bearing tree.

    Cortland: Tried and true September multipurpose apple. An annual cropping tree that is easy to prune and care for. Cortland also has a slow to brown flesh making it great for slices. Fresh eating, sauce, and baking.

    Granny Smith: extra green, extra tart, and extra firm. Early November ripening and stores well.

    Macintosh: A classic new england variety. Winter hardy and an annual bearer with mid September ripening. This apple has softer flesh with a nice sweet tart flavor, great for everything.

    Aztec fuji: Ripening right at the end of October. Crisp and sweet with excellent storage potential. Manage crop carefully to keep this variety out of it's bi-annual tendency.

    Idared: Sold out! An excellent Mid October ripening cider, baking and sauce apple. We recommend this variety highly to our customers because it is very grower friendly: annual producer, good growth habit, and low apple scab susceptibility. A tarter apple that stores well.

    Ginger Gold: # Golden yellow skin with a crisp juicy flesh. This apple ripens in late August and is one of the season's best, also makes a great pie. Highly recommended

    Golden Delicious: A mid October ripening yellow skinned apple. Sweet flesh when fully ripe, a great multipurpose apple. Excellent for pies, cider and sauce.

    Crimson Crisp: Ripens in mid to late September. This apple has a bold red skin with crisp white flesh and really good flavor. Known to be good for making both sweet and hard cider. This apple is also disease resistant making it a great back yard tree.

    (although some are self fertile, most apples need a mate for pollination, a second variety. We recommend at least three varieties in your orchard for adequate pollination)

  • Priced at $33/tree

    (# indicates low supply, less than 5 trees)

    Coralstar: A yellow flesh freestone that ripens just after labor day. Reliable cropper and easy to manage tree.

    Red Haven: The bench mark of yellow flesh freestone varieties. Ripens around Aug 20th.

    Risingstar: Ripens around August 10th. This semi cling yellow flesh peach has a medium sized fruit.

    Early Star: # Ripening in very early August and is yellow fleshed and semi cling.

    Saturn: White flesh and donut shaped. Known as the flying saucer peach. Pleasantly sweet fruit that ripens around August 15th.

    Messina: sold out! Reliable cropping with mid September Ripening. A medium sized yellow flesh freestone peach with excellent flavor.

    Silver Gem: sold out! A white flesh Nectarine that ripens around August 5th. Very nice flavor

    Fantasia: Sold out! A mid September ripening nectarine that is one the season's most asked for fruit here at Butternut. Excellent quality.

    (peaches and nectarines are self fertile, no need for a second variety and they are a highly recommended choice for all back yard fruit growers, including first timers because they are very simple to care for)

  • priced at $37/tree

    (# indicates low supply, less than 5 trees)

    Harrow Crisp: A bartlett type that ripens around Sept 5th.

    Harrow Sweet: A bartlett type that ripens around October 1st.

    Bosc: A round fruited pear that ripens in mid October

    Clapps: A bartlett type that ripens around mid September.

    (for cross pollination we recommend purchasing at least two varieties in your orchard. These varieties will all pollinate one another)

  • priced at $40/ tree

    (# indicates low supply, less than 5 trees)

    Benton: Sweet. A dark mahogany cherry that is a reliable producer of larger cherries. Good flavor and ripens early July.

    Regina: Excellent quality that ripens in very late July. A dark mahogany sweet cherry.

    Ebony Pearl: A new dark mahogany sweet cherry that ripens in early July. Crack resistant.

    Stardust: # A bi-colored sweet cherry, much like Rainer. Ripens in late July.

    Montmorency: The most widely planted sour cherry in North America. Bright red with a tart flavor. Great for pies, juicing or any other baking or processing needs.

    (Sweet cherries need multiple varieties for adequate pollination and the more the merrier. Designing a sweet cherry orchard with adequate cross pollination can be tricky, you want two varieties at the minimum.

    Sour cherries are self fertile, only one tree is necessary for pollination)